Shark Attack

The normally tranquil Fish Hoek Beach
It was always Durban that one read about in the newspapers when it came to shark attacks.
Durban took action and put down shark nets and solved the problem.
There has not been a fatal shark attack there for years.
What is going on in Cape Town?
We have had a number of attacks over the past few months.
A surf ski rider had his ski bitten in two by a large shark off Fish Hoek beach.
He managed to escape the shark after being thrown into the water and keeping the length of the ski between him and the shark.
Then a young surfer was attacked near Muizenberg and lost his leg in the attack.
He was declared dead on the beach after the attack but somehow was revived and has lived to tell the tale.
Then it was the turn of another surfer who was badly mauled near Scarborough on the Atlantic coastline.
Sitings of large sharks have occurred near Noordhoek on the Atlantic coastline.
The worst attack so far occurred yesterday when an elderly lady going for an early morning swim landed in the path of a six metre shark a couple of hundred metres off Fish Hoek beach.
The shark and the swimmer were both spotted by an observer from the hill above Fish Hoek Bay.
Unfortunately there was nothing the observer could do to warn the swimmer or scare off the shark.
To his horror the shark grabbed the lady in its mouth and the sea boiled and turned red as it went about its dirty work.
The only thing left behind by the shark was the lady's red bathing cap.
Tyna Webb a lady of 77 years of age has lived in Fish Hoek for years and had developed a ritual of going for an early morning swim every day be it winter or summer.
She is not alone as there are many other residents of Fish Hoek who do the same.
Unfortunately for her she crossed paths with this large shark and paid with her life.
Fish Hoek beach is normally one of the nicest, safest swimming beaches along the False Bay coastline but has now lost its reputation and will always be remembered as the beach where Tyna Webb lost her life.
Our condolences and prayers go out to the family during this extremely traumatic time in their lives.
The question on everyone's lips is!
What are the authorities going to do about this rogue shark which has been terrorising the beaches along the False Bay coastline?
Should it live or should it die?
Your comments will be appreciated.
Geoff Fairman
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