
A blog covering life and happenings in Cape Town

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Turtle Essays brings people together.

I have been writing articles about Cape Town for more than two years now and every now and again I get an email from someone who has read one of my articles.

Just this week I have been contacted by someone who walked the streets of Kommetjie where I grew up before I was born.

It appears that he was part of a contingent of Royal navy people who were stationed at Kommetjie's Slangkop Radio during the war years , 1946 -1950.

It's great hearing from these people especially as my Mom who is still alive is trying to contact some of the friends that she made then.

If you know anyone who was stationed in Kommetjie around that time please contact me at

Contact Geoff

Read the article about Cape Town radio

Cape Town Radio


Geoff Fairman

ps. Turtle Essays Travel Bazaar is online now. Check it out for all your Cape Town travel needs.
Here's the link: Travel bazaar


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